Own production line

The best way to ensure the quality we seek is to control all the processes by ourselves.

From field to farm

The production begins in the field, with the dry farming of the future supply of our birds, mainly composed of cereals, such as corn and wheat, and some legumes.

To supply ourselves, we possess our own crops, we work with local farmers and buy from third parties.

Before elaborating the fodder, all the raw materials must pass a few controls and analysis of external laboratories, certifying that they are suitable for consumption of birds. We reject any raw material that has an animal origin.

Own, modern, and fast fleet

True to our bet for the processes modernization, we found Friocargo Herbatra, a company belonging to the same group, which deals with the transport of the eggs with own vehicles.


Aviso Legal

El titular de este sitio web es GRANJA BAILON S.L., con C.I.F./N.I.F. B50514751, con domicilio en calle Ctra Alpartir KM 1,8 - con código postal 50100 de La Almunia de Doña Godina (Zaragoza).

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