A family saga with industrial vocation.

Bailon farm origins date back to the 60s, when Felix Bailon Judez put the pillars of a company that would engage with dedication to the poultry industry.

Half a century later, our family has continued to apply the same effort as our founder and currently Bailon farm is the first exporter of eggs from Spain. European countries are our main customers, which import 80% of our daily production.

Bailon has as main objective to offer the highest quality and freshness, but also we develop a responsible breeding of our birds. We care about your well-being, nutrition and health. Therefore, we have modernized industrial processes, we employ advanced technologies, we have veterinaries that control the farms and we verify that the entire chain holds the new Community legislation.

Aviso Legal

El titular de este sitio web es GRANJA BAILON S.L., con C.I.F./N.I.F. B50514751, con domicilio en calle Ctra Alpartir KM 1,8 - con código postal 50100 de La Almunia de Doña Godina (Zaragoza).

El acceso al Site de GRANJA BAILON S.L. es gratuito. Todo el contenido es propiedad intelectual de GRANJA BAILON S.L. Cualquier utilización de los mismos contraria a las normas en materia de propiedad intelectual será perseguida con arreglo a la legislación vigente.
