Recycling and return to start

Bailon farm processes culminate with the removal of hen droppings -or poultry manure-, but these are not disposable. In Bailón group we take advantage of this manure in order to be a part of the manure with which we cultivate the fields.

The extraction of poultry droppings is totally automated in our facilities. It goes out of the cages through sliding tapes leading droppings on the outside and deposit them in trucks.


Finally, we transport the poultry droppings to a few sheds that are conditioned for storage and fermentation.

Thus, the last process of Bailón farm finishes in the field, in the beginning of a production line that flows in a cyclical form.

Aviso Legal

El titular de este sitio web es GRANJA BAILON S.L., con C.I.F./N.I.F. B50514751, con domicilio en calle Ctra Alpartir KM 1,8 - con código postal 50100 de La Almunia de Doña Godina (Zaragoza).

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