
Bailon farm is a Spanish company, founded more than fifty years ago, is now part of an industrial group, managed by the descendants of its founder and specialised in poultry production.

In Bailon farm, birds are taken care of your needs at every stage, we monitor your eating and ensure their welfare. In addition, we perform extensive quality controls in poultry and eggs, which leave our facilities packed and ready for shipment.

Aviso Legal

El titular de este sitio web es GRANJA BAILON S.L., con C.I.F./N.I.F. B50514751, con domicilio en calle Ctra Alpartir KM 1,8 - con código postal 50100 de La Almunia de Doña Godina (Zaragoza).

El acceso al Site de GRANJA BAILON S.L. es gratuito. Todo el contenido es propiedad intelectual de GRANJA BAILON S.L. Cualquier utilización de los mismos contraria a las normas en materia de propiedad intelectual será perseguida con arreglo a la legislación vigente.
